Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Honestly, I am only being honest.

Was reading the newspaper in the morning when I chanced upon a section in the paper that stated that Mumbai is the 5th most honest city in the world. Honest??? Mumbai?? World??? I read and I re-read just to make sure that my lenses were not fogging up and my vision was not blurred. Yes…I did read right. It said Mumbai is the 5th most honest city in the world!!!

However, why am I being so skeptical about this statement is because I know of and have been victim of far too many instances that go to prove that I don’t particularly believe this so called survey.

First and foremost, how is this survey supposed to be authentic? On the basis of the number of lost cell phones returned to their owners…is this the only way to judge whether a city is honest or not?

Let me at this point clarify that I love Mumbai. I think this is my home and that it has given me everything that I have today. However, that still doesn’t convince me that it is the 5th most honest city in the world.

Taxi drivers, like hound dogs, sniff out a stranger to the city. They just know who is new and how they can take them for a ride (literally). So, if you know want to go from Dadar station to Marine Lines he will take you via a route that will ensure that atleast 200bucks will be coming out of your wallet. And incase you do question them saying that you were told that the fare would be only 90 and why is it so much, they will rationalize the act to such an extent that you will feel like giving them another 10bucks because he overtook the Honda Accord and thus had to cut the signal and therefore was taking a huge risk to get you to Marine Lines in time. Is this honesty (this has happened to me and to people who I know far too many times)?

Then there are those at the ticket counters at the railway stations. They will ask you for exact change and when you tell that you don’t have it, they will conveniently keep the extra money for themselves. How is it that they never do have change and that even from the thousands of people who commute everyday, they have not managed to get one rupee to give it to you. You may say that there maybe thousands like me who do not tender exact change, but why is it that the guy who gives the ticket never ever seems to have the change. And to make matters worse, if you do happen to create a ruckus about getting your one rupee back, miraculously he will take it out from a drawer where it quietly sits with hundreds of its clones. Is this honesty?

And I don’t even feel like starting on mobiles being left in cabs/public places that are never ever returned to the rightful owner. Honestly, I would like to meet the people who have conducted this survey, because for every one example they give me of a mobile being returned I can give three of both the mobile and the robber having vanished literally into thin air.

Let me again reiterate the fact that I love this city, but there are far too many reasons and instances that make me believe that this survey is not one that I can completely trust.

And I am just being honest about it.


durgs said...

I completely agree with your views. Surveys have never been known to be completely fool-proof. I'm not denying that there may be honest people around in the city, but who has the time and the guts to display this quality in the fast-paced city life?
There have been so many instances of crimes happening in broad daylight (the stabbing of a girl by her former lover on the street; she eventually died) where people have been mute spectators.
Daily when we set out to work, we are worried about our gold jewellery, cellphones or wallets getting stolen. Is this what the surveyors meant by honesty?
Honestly, the survey doesn't work for me.

Tanaya said...

Hey Sham..

Surverys are not fool proof.. its just an offhand assumption.. but yes mumbai is probably the one of the most honest places to be.. When a survey 5th most honest city then it doesnt mean 100% honesty.. it just means better than then worse.

When you say with every one cell returned i will talk about three which havent been.. atleast that one has been returned.. look at it that way.. Just recently went to Delhi as you know.. and i was shocked more than anything else.. dont think i can live in that city on a daily basis.. everytime you take the auto "meter does not work" - thats besides the point that it does work, its just that they dont want to use it.. You have to haggle everytime you get into an auto for how much you'll pay.. atleast in b'by they use the meters..

I know of people who go to France and i have heard that the moment you land in paris you are asked to tie up your passport and monies to your heart because people steal that from you on the roads..

So amongst all the imperfection mumbai probably is a better exception in crime that the worse.. yes the survey is not the perfect thing but maybe somewhere the above stated reasons versus the other cities is why i have come to love this city.. because people behave like human beings and are more helpful and its bloody easy for you to get around the city if you are new to this place unlike anywhere else where people might not even bother directing.. here you ask a taxi driver or people waiting at the bus stop for directions and they are more than willing to help you out.. :-) So ya!

durgs said...

Hey, thanks for visiting my blog. And your observation about the Tamil Nadu shop was enlightening. Is there any way I can add your blog, so that I can keep myself updated on your writings?

durgs said...

I know about your blog appearing in Mumbai Mirror. Incidentally, I work there ;-) The page was being made by my colleague.
I'm also new to the blogging concept and that's why I was asking you for directions. Anyway, we'll find a way out. Keep in touch!