Monday, July 23, 2007

Why must I blog?

Was waiting to go for a client meeting with my boss and as I was desperately looking at the clock to strike 5, it suddenly dawned upon me- why don’t I have a blog?

I like writing…actually coming to think of it, I love writing. This doesn’t mean that I have made a wrong professional choice by getting into servicing, but I still enjoy that art of expressing myself in words.

To be honest, a friend of mine has been after me for a really long time to start a blog of my own and I never really understood what the whole hullabaloo was all about. Then I chanced upon another friends blog. Now, I know this particular person inside out (atleast I would like to believe that) but when I read what he had to say in his blog it shocked me. It shocked me not because I was wondering whether I had figured this fellow all wrong, but only because it showed me a new facet of his life.

That’s when I realized that I should start a blog of my own. Not for any particular reason, but just to make sure that I surprise myself each time I start penning down my thoughts.

With this thought I inaugurate my blog. This is for the words that will help me express myself better and to those people who will not judge.


Pradeepa Rao said...

Good you started writing. I am sure u'll be wonderful just like u've alwez been. There were too many reasons why we never spoke too much in Hostel...n come to think of it, i think i have missed so much by not having hanged out with ya. I miss hostel and i miss u too. Keep rocking like u always do.Muah!!

Maya said...
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Maya said...

Hi Sharmi, come to think of this - I came via via to ur a/c while my mind n heart both have been consitpated with the thought of 'to be or not to be'..well I hav been thinking for time to start my blog or not. The fear of being exposed you see, people would know of - what you think n feel. But I guess what you said here makes a helluva lot of sense. Blog for ur ownself, do ur own 'thinking aloud' and don bother about ppl judging you...he he..I just did my thinking aloud at the cost of this space wishes ya..hopin to c more of ur blogs...-maya;)