Thursday, July 26, 2007

What nick would you pick?

Logging onto your computer everyday and then changing the sign in nick for gtalk/orkut/msn/yahoo has become a routine for most people. What surprises me is how these nicks reflect the moods of a person. One of the exercises that I conduct every morning is that as soon as I log onto my system I check what others have written as their nicks and (more often than not) it provides me with a good laugh.

The constant nick: There are some people who keep a nick constant…all day long, all year round. Most of the time it will just be their name. I gather people who do this make a conscious decision of not changing it. Since they usually don’t stay online for too long, they would rather make it known from the start that they are online lest it may lead to confusion and thus further wastage of time.

The daily update nick: These people change their nick daily, according to their moods. So incase they do happen to get off on the wrong side of their bed their nick would suggest it. E.g. Mondays S-U-C-K
And if they are happy then it would something like: Helloooooooooo Peeeeeople!!! Note that when people are in an exceptionally good mood how the number of vowels in the word automatically increases by a dozen!!!

The 3 hourly update nick: These people change their nick according to their mood after every two-three hours. So it will be something like:
9.00am- Waaaah I have to work or Horrible day ahead
12.00pm- Hungrrryy
3.00pm- Fullllll or Blisssssssss
6.00pm- Getting work done or My day is just passing by
9.00pm- Few more hours to go home. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
These are quite self-explanatory and go to show what is going on a persons mind.

The influencer nick: These people are influenced by anything that they have recently seen. It could be a film, song, advertisement or just something on the road. Their nick is dedicated to that. E.g.: Aye Ganpat or So…how do you kill a mocking bird?

The mission vision nick: These sorts of people keep a particular nick that more often than not suggests their goal in life. E.g. Dar ke aage jeet hai or I believe in myself and I don’t care what others think.

The attention-seeking nick: These people on purpose keep a particular nick so that they can catch other’s attention. E.g. If I don’t respond chances are there that I am not interested or If I don’t respond means that you are not important enough.

The hidden msg nick: This kind of nick is supposed to be subtle and is most of time meant for only one person. There is some hidden msg in it. So incase the person and his/her loved one shared an intimate moment the day before and doesn’t want the entire world to know of it but is still excited about the event the nick would be something like: Who needs a candlelit dinner when there is a bonfire?

So…the next time you change your nick think of what is it exactly that you pick.

Pssst. All the nicks in this post are real and have been read or written at some point of time.


Tanaya said...

So you're the Attention Seeker.. ha ha..

Sharmista Nagarkatti said...

Yaaa mere dost.

G said...

pretty cool eh
so uve bin observing quite a bit